You Still Have Time to Join the UNCSA Abuse Lawsuit – Till December 23rd!

nine arms in a circle meeting together with clasped hands

Team-Spirit by truthseeker08 via Pixabay

According to Lanier Law Group, one of the firms bringing the lawsuits against UNCSA regarding sexual and verbal abuse of students at UNCSA by faculty and staff, potential plaintiffs have until December 23rd to call the firm and discuss your experiences at UNCSA.

Lanier Law Group
Regarding School of the Arts
By December 23

In a discussion with a former student, it became clear that many may not realize they are eligible to participate.

For example, dance students reporting touching of the genitals in class by teachers or sexual comments made by teachers may have a basis for participation.

Individuals who observed such activity or who know of victims who may not want to join the lawsuit may also have a role as witnesses.

So, regardless of what one typically considers sexual abuse, if you had damaging or inappropriate experiences at UNCSA, you can speak to the folks at Lanier Law Group who will assess your situation.

Initial Filings of UNCSA Sexual Abuse Lawsuits: Press Conference and News Coverage
Second UNCSA Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Brought by 39 Former Students